Social Media Monitoring Tools

By now we are all aware that the majority of organizations nowadays are making some use of enterprise 2.0 tools in order to improve their business processes. But essentially how effective are these? In order to find out, organizations usually make use of different social media monitoring technologies in order to assess their social impact.

The Queensland EHP (Environment and Heritage Protection) makes use of Twitter, Facebook and YouTube to spread their messages and initiatives. This blog post will analyze their social media impact with the use of different monitoring technologies.

• TweetReach

Tweetreach is a twitter app and website that allows twitter users to track tweets. They provide a search engine based on hashtags, urls or screen names. The search results are then analyzed and presented in the form of a report with the estimated reach, exposure, related tweets and other useful monitoring strategies.


A quick search of the Queensland EHP twitter user (QldEHP) provides a well-presented report with graphical twitter activity and statistics. Through this medium, they can track their tweets and be able to have an idea of the reach of their tweets and how exposed they can be in the social world.  Tweetreach does offer a Pro Plan subscription in which users are able to archive and measure tweets in real-time.  In the case of Queensland EHP, they have an account reach of about 2,000 and their top exposure being 1.2k impressions. This is actually quite good if you take into account that they only have 175 twitter followers. It really shows the leverage twitter can provide in the social media world.

• Social Blade

Social Blade is a social media-monitoring tool that provides YouTube video statistics according to daily views, track subscribers, growth, and comparisons to others. As seen from the screenshot above, Social Blade provides monthly statistics for a specific channel by just entering the channel name in their search form.

Screen Shot 2013-09-23 at 12.18.11 PM

In the case of Queensland EHP, their youtube exposure is ok with almost 3k video views per month. Social Blade also provides more in depth statistics such as daily subscribers gained, video view rank, and subscriber rank. QldEHP’s subscriber rank is currently 2138400.

The examples mentioned show some of the tools Queensland EHP could make use of in order to improve their social media reputation and be able to reach a bigger audience through their videos and tweets. If an organization is capable of measuring their social impact, they are more likely to make improvements and have a more successful social media implementation.




  1. […] Social Media Monitoring Tools ( […]

  2. Great user experience and analysis on these tools, Gabriel 🙂
    Based on the statistics provided by TweetReach, it seems that Queensland EHP has not put enough efforts on expanding its followers via Twitter.
    And so does Facebook with less than 700 followers

  3. Thanks for the comment! yes totally agree. They should make more use of these tools in order to make the most out of their social media campaign.

  4. Hi Gabriel,
    You have selected some interesting social monitoring tools for your post, especially ‘Social Blade’. I know that Facebook and Twitter are those among the popular social media platforms that used by almost all organisations. This is not even mentioned on those social monitoring tools use them to retrieve the social activities’ results. With ‘Social Blade’, I agree with you that it gives in-depth and wide ranges of social activity statistics’ results on the organisational Youtube’s channel. Queensland EPH can use these pieces of results as a part of its measurement in adopting the social technologies. This also means that the organisation gets its opportunities to learn about its own organisation for both strengths and weaknesses as well as adjusting its business strategies to match the needs of the customers and become ahead of the competitors.

    Nice post, Gabriel 🙂

  5. Hi Sarun, thanks for your input and insights!

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